
The aim of the King's Church Prestwood is to become a facilitator for youth work in the area. We have seen the success of families hosting groups of young people that are taught and encouraged in faith by those older than themselves and believe that this will once again be built into a vibrant and fruitful youth work, enabling all the churches of the area to be blessed. 

We have the opportunity to go into The Misbourne School where we are invited to provide a well-being provision at lunchtimes. This has been supported by the local churches, and the team to achieve this is being built.
A further element of this strategy is to provide an integrated space comprising a number of stakeholders who can offer time and space for young people to gather. The threefold purpose of this is:
1) to give opportunity for the young people to 'be' (this was a key priority identified in 2 years of research in which KCP was an integral part).
2) to offer the opportunity for 'experts by experience' to engage with young people to inspire them to think broader than school and its limitations.
3) to make available the resources to create podcast type content that can be shared with their friends and peer group.

Out of this project would come the interest and need for the project outlined in bold above.
We are currently seeking a Youth Project Manager with the skills and vision to make this radical and exciting direction an ongoing reality that is glorifying to God and builds up every church in the area.
Colin Veysey, 24/07/2024